A frequent weed of degraded pastures and waste places in the area. It is prickly branched perennial herb covered with hairs. Stem some what zig-zag with dense stellate tomentum. Leaves have long yellow sharp shining prickles on both surfaces. Flowers purple densely covered with hairs. Fruit is yellow globose smooth berry having reniform pale brown seeds. Flowering and fruiting in March and July.
Part used: Whole plant
Usage: An antiasthmatic, astringent, digestive, diuretic and pungent, it is an important constituent of well known Ayurvedic drug “Dasamula and Arkadhi”. The drugs prepared from it is used to treat stomach disorders, dropsy, throat disorder, gum diseases, enlargement of liver and spleen. Whole plant extract effective in bronchial asthma, piles and for rejuvenation. Root is used in asthma, cough and in chest pain. Root paste with lime juice is applied in snake and scorpion bite. Extract of the leaves with black pepper is useful in rheumatism. Crushed flowers are given orally to relieve diarrhoea children. The smoke of fruit or whole plant is inhaled for treatment of infected teeth. Oil prepared from powdered fruit is used to treat skin eruption.
Agrotechniques : Since it is collected from its abundant populations in waste places, its Agrotechniques are not yet standardized.