Black night shade(Makoi)
It is common weed in waste places, gardens, cultivated lands and on road sides. A small erect, much branched, annual herb. Stem and branches are smooth soft terete or with raised lines. Leaves alternate egg shaped, elliptic. Flowers creamish white or violet and arranged in clusters. Fruit a globose berry. Ripe fruits purplish black and seeds flat, minutely pitted. Flowering and fruiting in September to December.
Part used: Whole plant
Usage: Whole plant is effective in chronic skin diseases, such as acne, eczema and psoriasis. A paste of plant is also useful in corrosive ulcers, pustules, bums and rheumatic pains. Freshly prepared extract of plant cures cirrhosis of liver, piles, dysentery, enlargement of liver and spleen. Decoction of plant is used in fever. Boiled leaves and tender shoots are used in dropsy. Fruits are used as appetizer, laxative, tonic and diuretic. Unripe fruits can be applied locally on ringworms. A decoction of the berries and flowers is used for relieving cough and cold. Decoction of dried fruits is given to mothers after delivery.
Agrotechniques: No specific Agrotechniques are available as it is collected from natural populations. Easily propagated through seeds.