East Indian Globe Thistle(Mundi)
A common annual weed of waste places and cultivated fields, it is a hairy herb, with many branches. Leaves alternate, glandular, hairy, simple and toothed. Flowers in terminal globose heads and whitish purple. Fruit a
cypsela, oblong and villous. Flowering and fruiting in October to April.
Part used: Whole plant
Usage : In Ayurveda and Unani, the whole plant is used to treat anorexia, jaundice, piles, worm infestation, blood disorders, scrofula, dysentery and fever. Effective in indigestion, colic, piles, leucorrhoea, impotence and eye
problems. Powdered leaf cures skin diseases. Roots are useful in diabetes, leprosy, fever, cough and indigestion. Oil from root is aphrodisiac. Powdered seeds and roots are used as an anthelmintic. Flowers are cooling, eaten to treat conjunctivitis.
Agrotechniques : It is abundant in nature hence Agrotechniques not yet standardized. It can be propagated through seeds.