Commercially cultivated as crop in semi arid regions now becoming popular in arid zone, A perennial highly branched herb with under ground stem. Leaves alternate, pinnate with 8-15 ovate, yellow green, hairy leaflets. Flower purple in terminal axillary leaves. Fruit 2-2.5 cm flat pod with 4-5 kidney shaped seeds.
Part used: Rhizome and Root
Usage: Rhizomes and roots tonic, expectorant, demulcent and laxative. Used for treating gastric ulcers, cough, sore throat, myopia, irritation in urinary tract and mouth disorders. Infusion of root relieves chronic joint
problems. Root paste is effective in initial stages of baldness, hair loss and dandruff.
Agrotechniques: Propagated through root cuttings treated with seradex B and planted directly in field at 90×60 cm in July. FYM application, irrigation and weeding essential After 2-2.5 years, roots are dug out, dried to have up to 10% moisture.