An annual erect, glabrous herb common in open sandy wastes and gardens. Stem angular, often branched at the base. Leaves subsessile, elliptic oblong with rounded apex. Flowers axillary yellowish and numerous. The male flowers 1-3 and female flower solitary. Fruit is trigonous smooth capsule. Seed trigonous, pale brown and longitudinally ribbed. Flowering and fruiting in August to November.
Part used: Whole plant
Usage: It is astringent, diuretic, febrifuge, antiseptic and used for stomach trouble. in Ayurveda it is the source of drug ‘Tamalaki’ a reputed remedy for
jaundice. Whole plant extract is used in viral hepatitis and as a diuretic in oedema. It also increases appetite and locally applied to reduce inflammations. Whole pounded plant is used as a poultice for ulcers, sores, swellings and skin affections. Latex is applied for early healing of sores and ulcers.
Agrotechniques : No specific Agrotechniques available though it can be propagated through seeds.