Annatto, scientifically known as Bixa orellana, is a tropical shrub or small tree native to Central and South America. Also referred to as achiote, lipstick tree, or urucum, annatto is valued for its bright red-orange seeds, which are used as a natural coloring agent and flavoring in culinary and cosmetic applications. With its vibrant color and mild flavor, annatto adds depth and visual appeal to a wide range of dishes and products.
Part Used: The primary part of the annatto plant used is its seeds, which are contained within spiky, pod-like fruits. These seeds are rich in pigments called bixin and norbixin, which impart the characteristic red-orange color to foods and cosmetics. The seeds are harvested, dried, and ground into a fine powder or infused in oil to extract the color and flavor.
Usage: Annatto seeds are commonly used as a natural coloring agent in various culinary preparations, including rice dishes, stews, soups, sauces, and marinades. They are prized for their ability to add vibrant color and subtle flavor to foods, as well as their antioxidant properties. Annatto is also used in traditional medicine for its purported anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. In cosmetics and skincare products, annatto extract is used to add color to lipsticks, makeup, and body lotions, as well as to provide antioxidant benefits to the skin.
Agrotechniques: Cultivating annatto requires a warm, tropical climate with well-drained soil and ample sunlight. The plant thrives in regions with consistent temperatures and moderate rainfall. Annatto is typically grown from seeds, which are planted directly in the soil or in nursery beds and transplanted once the seedlings are established. The plants should be spaced several feet apart to allow room for growth. Annatto trees require regular watering and occasional fertilization to promote healthy growth and fruit production. Harvesting of annatto seeds typically occurs when the fruits have dried and split open, revealing the seeds inside. The seeds are then collected, dried, and processed for use in culinary and cosmetic applications.