
An evergreen leafless shrub with pale glabrous branches on sandy hummocky area. Stem ash coloured, with internodes 3-4 cm. long. Flowers light pink. Fruits oblong densely covered with brown coloured bristles.
Flowering and fruiting in April-May.

Part used : Whole plant

Usage: The aqueous paste of whole plant is given orally to the person who has taken heavy dose of opium as it acts as emetic. It gives cooling effect to the body. Flower buds effective in sun stroke. Flowers and fruits used in butter milk during summer. The juice of plant applied in eyes to remove the poisonous effects of Calotropis procera latex if gets into or contacted with eyes. Decoction of root is used as a gargle for sore gums.

Agrotechniques : Stem cutting 20-25 cm long, 1 cm thick can be used to raise saplings. Seeds can be sown November – December and transplanted in July-August at 3×2 m spacing.