Waved leave Bignonia(Rohiro)

Commonly found in plains on sandy hummocky grounds and known as ‘Marwar teak’. A medium sized tree with slightly hairy drooping branches. Leaves simple, glabrous, oblong, undulating with entire margins. Flower arranged in racemose inflorescence, campanulate and yellow to orange coloured. Fruit is a linear curved smooth capsule consisting of winged seeds. Flowering and fruiting in October to April.

Part used: Leaf, Stem, Root and Flower

Usage: Paste of leaves. stem and root bark is used in the treatment of various skin diseases. Leaves and inner bark of stem extract obtained by heating them is used in eczema, psoriasis. Leaf juice is mixed with water and  used in pneumonia and typhoid. Warmed leaves tied over swellings to remove guinea worn1. Root bark is used in leucorrhoea. Flowers give orange colour herbal dye.

Agrotechniques : Propagated by seeds and rooting of stem cuttings. Seeds are sown in June-July. Seeds should be freshly collected as these loose viability with in a year. These become 30-45 cm tall in one year. In a pit (60x60x60 cm), FYM pond silt and local sandy soil should be mixed in 1: 1:2 and planted with its sapling. 2-3 irrigations and weeding in the first and even second year are required.