
A succulent, glabrous deciduous climber in gardens with distinct nodes and
internodes. The stem is thick, quadrangular, ridged and dichotomously branched restricted at the nodes. Tendrils long and simple. Leaves thick coriaceous, broadly ovate smooth on both the surfaces. The flowers are in short cymes and the fruit is globose berry, 1- seeded and red when ripe. Flowering and fruiting in July to January.

Part used: Stem

Usage: The plant is carminative, anthelmintic, aphrodisiac and stomachic. It is used in the treatment of gastro intestinal disorders and indigestion. Crushed stem is used as a poultice for bone setting. Soaked green gram ground to paste is mixed with paste of its one internode. This mixture is fried in butter and consumed for a week for early bone setting. It is also used to relieve burns, wounds and the bites of poisonous insects. The juice of stem is said to be beneficial in scurvy. The paste of fresh shoots/stem heals bums and wounds healing.

Agrotechniques : It can be propagated through stem cuttings.