CLIMATE: The plant flourishes well under fairly high rainfall and humid conditions. Long days and high temperatures have been found favorable for plant growth and oil production. Topical and sub-tropical climate
(at altitudes up to 900m) are suited for Tulsi.

SOIL: Tulsi plants thrive well on variety of soils from rich loam to poor laterite, saline and alkaline to moderately acidic soils. Well drained soil helps better vegetative grown. Waterlogged condition can cause root-rot and result in stunted growth.

PROPAGATION AND PLANTATION: The plant is propagated by seeds and seedlings may be raised in manured seed bags. The seed sowing time starts by mid of February. The seed should be sown 2cm below in the nursery beds. The seeds germinate in 8-12 days and the seedlings are ready for transplanting in about 6 weeks’ time. Transplantation shall be done in the mid of April. Before transplanting the seedlings, land shall be prepared with application of manure. The seedlings shall be transplanted at a distance of 40 x 40cm and 40 x 50cm to get high herbage and oil yield per hectare.

IRRIGATION: Irrigation depends upon the moisture content of soil. In summer 3 irrigation per month are necessary, in rainy season no irrigation is required. About 12-15 irrigation are enough during the year.

HARVESTING: The crop is harvested at full bloom stage. The first harvest is obtained at 90-95 days of planting.