Tara Kanchi

Common in waste places throughout hotter parts of India, it is a hoary tomentose perennial small shrub. Leaves velvety on both sides, cordate with toothed margin. Flowers golden yellow. Fruit subglobose and depressed in the centre. Seeds brownish black, reinifom1 with rough surface. Flowering and fruiting in October to January.

Part used: Whole plant

Usage: A febrifuge, anthelmintic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, aprnodisiaic and demulcent, its decoction is used to cure gonorrhoea. A known antidote for the scorpion bite. The extract of leaves is applied locally to boils and ulcers and as a fomentation to painful palts. Root infusion is used as a nerve tonic and antipyretic. Powdered flowers are used in cough. The infusion of seed is a cooling drink.
Agrotechniques : No specific Agrotechniques available as it is collected from the wild. Plant prefers hot and humid climate and can be propagated through seeds/ shoot cuttings