
Commonly found in the rocky areas, it is a deciduous, medium to large tree with ash coloured smooth papery bark. Leaves alternate imparipinnate; leaflet 8-15 pairs, opposite, pubescent, dark green and variable in shape. Flowers small, white in axillary racemes. Fruit trigonous, hard and winged. Flowering and fruiting in April December.

Part used: Stem bark, Flower and Gum

Usage : The yellow coloured gum exudes from the bark is an effective stimulant, expectorant, diuretic, in the treatment of ulcer, tumours, diarrhoea and dysentery, piles and skin diseases. Decoction of stem bark cures chronic cough and cold. Powdered flowers also cure cold and fever. Gum is used in the preparation of an ointment for sores and skin eruptions.

Agrotechniques : Seeds, root suckers, branch cuttings can be used to propagate it. Nursery raised saplings can be planted during rains in pits 60 cm even on rocky slopes with shallow gravelly and skeletal soils. Root suckers and branch cuttings can be planted directly in pits. Irrigation and weeding required frequently in first 3 years of its protection and care.