
A much branched perennial erect herb distributed as weed “in the desert. Leaves alternate, pinnately compound; leaflets7-13, grey green, oblanceolate. Flower in terminal racemes and reddish purple. Fruit slightly compressed, curved pod and consist of 5-6 greenish-grey smooth ovoid seeds. Flowering and fruiting in July to November.

Part used: Whole plant

Usage : Whole plant is used in the treatment of respiratory diseases, piles, skin diseases and for stomach upset. It is also used as diuretic. It is beneficial in diseases of liver and kidney. Smoke of leaves gives relief in asthma. Extract of pod is used for relief in the body ache. Infusion of seed is used to treat intestinal worms. Oil from seeds
IS effective in eczema and other skin diseases. Roots are useful in skin diseases, flatulence, boils and asthma. Decoction of root is given in diarrhoea, dyspepsia, rheumatism and urinary disorders. Powdered roots smoked for relief from asthma and cough.