
A deciduous tree with spreading crown occurs commonly in wastelands and also planted along road sides. Leaves are bipinnate. Pinnae usually 1-4 pairs and leaflets 5-10 pairs, elliptic oblong with oblique base. Flowers fragrant, white or greenish yellow born in globose umbellate heads. Pods wide, linear, oblong, pointed, thin, green turning straw coloured on maturity. Seeds smooth shining, pale brown and compressed. Flowering and Fruiting in August to December.

Part used: Whole plant

Usage: Paste of stem bark is used to treat boils, pimples and ulcer. Leaves are used to treat night blindness. The leaf paste is applied in snake bite and scorpion sting. Flowers are used as a cooling medicine and used externally
in treating boils, skin eruptions and swellings. Root paste is used to cure Opthalmia, skin diseases and inflammations. The powdered root bark and root gum used for strengthening the gums. Seed oil is applied externally for leukoderma.
Agrotechniques : Propagation is best by seeds, can be also by stump planting. Nursery raised saplings are planted in 60 cm pits at 5×5 m during rainy season.