
An ornamental perennial herb with erect stem, flexible branches bearing leaves which are simple cauline, opposite, exstiputate, petiolate and glossy. Flower 2-3, in axillary cymes and in terminal clusters, white to pinkish purple. Fruit is a cylindrical follicle with many black seeds (two varieties var. alba white flowered and var. rose us pink coloured flowers). Flowering and fruiting almost through out the year.

Part used: Whole plant

Usage : Maximum concentrations of alkaloids like vincristine and vinblastin found in root bark particularly during flowering. All parts have hypoglycaemic properties and are used to treat diabetes. Plant infusion if gargled, is said to relieve sore throat and laryngities. Extract of leaves is applied as antidote to wasp stings. Decoction of stem and leaves is used for regulating menstruation, urine and kidney problem. Leaves are emetic and diaphoretic. The alkaloid vincristine derived from leaves is used for the treatment of acute leukaemia including lymphocytic

Agrotechniques : It can be raised directly by seeding in the field @ 2.5 kg/ha. 1/2 kg seeds are required to prepare plants in nursery. Plants should be transplanted after 60 days of sowing at 30 cm x 45 cm. One to three irrigations required, along with weeding. After 6 months of growth, the picking of leaves can be done and thereafter picking can be done every 3 months. The leaves should be dried in the shade. Roots should be harvested after 8-10 months.