
Wild all over desertic area in slightly sandy soil or around dumping places, now cultivated also. A deep rooted spreading perennial herb, with a stout root-stock and many erect or spreading branches. Stem is creeping often purplish. The leaves are simple, thick and brittle usually whitish and smooth beneath and rough green on upper surface. Flowers white or pink in long stalked umbels. Fruits oval. 5-ribbed and green or brown in colour. Flowering and fruiting in through out the year, but maximum in rainy season.

Part used: Whole plant

Usage: The whole plant fresh or dried, is the source of drug ‘Punamava’. it is diuretic, antipyretic and laxative. Fresh boiled herb or liquid extract of the fresh or dry plant is very effective in the treatment of dropsy, inflammatory renal diseases and ascites. Fresh juice given as a blood purifier and to get relief from muscular pain. The leaves eaten as vegetable to cure night blindness.

Root powder effective in stomach disorder, particularly intestinal colic and in expelling intestinal worms, curing asthma, kidney and heart problem, gonorrhoea, anaemia, cough, nervous weakness and paralysis. The roots are considered useful for jaundice. A paste of the root can be applied in several skin diseases.