Cham gash
A very common species on open gravelly places, it is a woody perennial much
branched and prostrate herb. Flowers small yellow on leaf opposed cymes directed upwards. Fruit is a capsule directed downwards, 4 valved and septate between the seeds. Flowering and fruiting is almost throughout the year.
Part used: Whole plant
Usage: The whole plant, particularly the roots are used as a tonic and also in gonorrhea. The powder of dried leaves mixed with a powder of seeds of Pedalium murex is used in the treatment of diabetes. The dried powder of
leaves is used to cure impotency. The decoction of the fresh plant is used to cure dysentery and liver disorders. Powdered stem and young leaves gives cooling effect during heat.
Agrotechniques: It is a common weed hence Agrotechniques have yet not been standardized. However, it can be propagated through seeds