Purple fleabane
A common· weed found through out the desert area, it is an erect annual herb with slender, grooved and ribbed stem. Stem branched near the apex. Leaves much variable in size and shape, broadly elliptic or lanceolate,
irregularly toothed and sparsely hairy. Capitula about 20 flowered, terminal or axillary corymbs. Florets pinkish purple. Achenes 3-4 angled, densely silky pubescent slightly narrowed at base. Flowering and Fruiting through out the year, maximum in September to November.
Part used: Whole plant
Usage: It is one of the ten herb that make ‘Dasapuspa’ an Ayurveda drug. Decoction of plant is used to promote perspiration in fevers. Infusion of herb with quinine used against malaria. Whole plant is used in the treatment of leucorrhoea, skin diseases, thirst, vomiting and cough. Plant juice is given in incontinence of urination and to relieve piles. Leaf juice is used for amoebiasis and poultice of leaves in eczema and ringworms. Roots used as an anthelmintic, in fever, boils, eye diseases and as a sedative. Juice of roots effective in cough and colic and decoction is given in diarrhoea and stomach-ache. Flowers used in fever, rheumatism and conjunctivitis. Seed powder is effective in the treatment of round worm, thread worm, leucoedema and psoriasis.
Agrotechniques : Since collected from nature, Agrotechniques not standardized so far.