A small tree or shrub with thin dark grey bark often armed with terminal or axillary thorns cultivated through out India. Leaves opposite oblong or obovate and minutely punctate, shining above and bright green beneath. Flower scarlet red, tubular, solitary or 2-3 together. Fruit a spherical berry, septate interiorly with membranous wall containing numerous white, pink or red coloured seeds. Seed surrounded by whitish to red edible testa. Flowering
and fruiting in November to March.
Part used: Root, Bark, Flower, Fruit and Seed
Agrotechniques : Cutting/seeds. Mature stem pieces cut into lengths of about 30cm each are planted for rooting; the rooted cuttings planted at 4.5 to 6 m apart. Ordinary cultivation, addition of FYM, irrigation, and weeding at regular intervals are essential.