
A large climbing shrub grown as an ornamental in the gardens. Stem
tomenose white. Leaves ovate, cordate, glabrous with lower surface white
tomentose. Flowers silky pubescent funnel shaped and purple. Fruit globose
and apiculate with black seeds. Flowering and fruiting in August – December.
Part used: Root and Leaf

Usage: The roots are diuretic, aphrodisiac and used as a tonic. The decoction of roots purifies the blood and cures rheumatic pain. The lower hairy surface of leaves is tied over tumour, boils and wounds for early suppuration and healing. Poultice of leaves is used to reduce the swelling. The upper surface of leaves has cooling properties.

Agrotechniques : It grows on all types of soils. Seeds can be sown direct in the field or polybags during June July and saplings are transplanted after one month and irrigated every 10-15 days with regular weeding. Roots and leaves harvested and dried in shade.