
A climbing shrub occurring in drier parts of India mostly on Prosopis
cineraria. Leaves ovate oblong hairy and very variable in shape and size.
Flower in axillary fascicles. Male flower small hairy and greenish. Female
flower 2-3 together. Fruit is a small drupe and keeled. Flowering and fruiting
in October to January.

Part used: Root, Leaf and Fruit

Usage : Leaf sap mixed with water forms a green jelly, which is used
externally for skin diseases. Leaf extract with cold water is applied on head
for cooling effect. Juice of the leaf is beneficial in leucorrhoea. Decoction of
leaf is used in kidney pains. Roots are bitter and are used in several local
medicines as an antidote to snakebite. It is also used in intermittent fever. Juice of ripe berries makes durable purple blue ink.

Agrotechniques: It IS normally a weed and hence collected from nature. No specific agro techniques are available.