
Commonly occurs in association with other weeds in grassy habitats and drier parts of area This perennial herb has prostrate hairy branches and small elliptic oblong to lanceolate, mucronate leaves. Flowers mostly solitary, light blue or white, rotate and broad funnel shaped. Fruit a globose, 4-seeded and 4-valved capsule. Seed smooth and black in colour. Flowering and fruiting in August to January.

Part used: Whole plant

Usage: Decoction of whole plant effective in fever, debility, loss of memory and syphilis. It is also used as a brain tonic. Leaves smoked in chronic bronchitis and asthma. Flowers useful for treating the uterine bleeding. Roots are antidysentric and antiseptic used to treat gastric ulcers and intermittent fever. Seed oil promotes the growth of hairs.

Agrotechniques : It is a common weed hence Agrotechniques yet to be standardized. It can however, be raised through seeds.