A cosmopolitan weed of damp habitats, it is a perennial stoloniferous glabrous sedge with globose, ovoid tubers. Leaves usually clustered at the base of stem. Inflorescence an umbel bearing 3-10 spikelet. Spikelet reddish brown, linear and variable in length. Achenes trigonous, brown black, shining and ellipsoid. Flowering and fruiting throughout the year.
Part used: Rhizomes (Tubers)
Usage : The dried tubers are aromatic and considered diuretic, carminative, anthelmintic, stomachic and stimulant. Powder of rhizome is effective in conjunctivitis. Paste of rhizomes applied externally heals wounds. The tubers yield an essential oil of antibiotic and cooling properties. The fresh tubers applied to nursing mother’s
breast promotes lactation.
Agrotechniques : As it is a weed of abundant occurrence, Agrotechniques have not yet been developed. It is propagated by rhizomes.