
A pot aromatic herb in the garden, houses and religious places, it is 30 em high. Leaves small, hairy on both sides. Flowers are in small-branched heads pale white or purplish. Flowering and fruiting in August to March.
Part used: Whole plant

Usage: Majorana is stimulant and tonic. The herb helps in asthma and common cold. Its flowers and seeds are useful in arresting secretion or bleeding. Seed oil is carminative, diuretic, diaphoretic and emmenagogue. Oil from the leaves and seeds is used as external application for sprains, bruises, stiff and paralytic limbs. Seeds soaked in water and taken with some sugar has cooling effect. Dried leaves also used as carminative and stimulant.

Agrotechniques: No specific Agrotechniques is available. It can be propagated through seeds