
An erect branched annual herb in moist and shady plains of uncultivated fields it is also cultivated now. Stem quadrangular, branched with longitudinal furrows.
Leaves dark simple, opposite, green and lanceolate. Flowers pale purple in axillary and terminal, panicle racemes. Fruits almost linear-oblong compressed capsules. Seeds subquadrate or oblong, numerous and yellowish brown. Flowering and fruiting from August to February.

Part used: Whole plant

Usage: The extract of whole plant is useful in jaundice, liver troubles, bronchitis and diabetes. Many household medicines known as “Alvi” is prepared from the leaves and is given to children suffering from stomach
complaints. A decoction of plant is considered a blood purifier and its extract or infusion is reportedly used to relieve fever. The dried leaves and tender shoots constitute the well known drug ‘Kalmegh’ or ‘green chiretta’ used as bitter tonic and febrifuge.

Agrotechniques : Seeds sown during May-June. Seedling transplanted at a distance of 60×60 cm and irrigated 2-3 times with regular weeding. Whole plant harvested during November to January.