
It is a prostrate annual herb on loose sand and gravel along road sides and waste  places. Branches silky villous, densely covered with hairs. Leaves opposite paripinnate, unequal with leaflets of 3-6 pairs. Flowers yellow, solitary, axillary. Fruit globose consist of 5(-3) cocci, each possesses 2 lateral divergent acute spines and two shorter spines. Seeds are many in each of woody cocci. Flowering and fruiting in August to October.

Part used: Whole plant

Usage: Mucilaginous water extract of the whole plant is taken as a ·remedy for impotency. Ash of the whole plant is good for external application in rheumatism. Leaves are used as a paste in the treatment of stones in bladder. Decoction of leaves is useful as a gargle for mouth trouble, painful gums and to reduce inflammation. Roots are said to be appetiser, diuretic, carminative and anti-inflammatory. Decoction of fruit is used as diuretic, demulcent, aphrodisiac and also as tonic. It is also used in treating calculous affections and painful micturition and other
kidney diseases.

Agrotechniques: It is normally a weed and hence collected from nature. No specific Agrotechniques are available.