
Commonly spreading on shrubs and hedges, it is a herbaceous annual climber. Leaves alternate, biternate to trinate, serrate, acute narrowed at base and ape deeply segmented, Flower white in umbellate cymes with a pair of tendrils. Fruit a bladdery capsule, pyriform, trigonous and membranous, Seed globose, smooth black with small white heart shaped aril. Flowering and fruiting in September to November.

Part used: Whole plant

Usage : Promotes hair growth and for treating rheumatism, piles, nervous
disorders and sprains, The juice of plant cures earache. Paste of plant cures rheumatism and stiffness of limbs. Roots are diuretic and laxative. According to Charak, Sushrat and Vagbhatt the plant is used as an antidote to snake and scorpion bite. The extract of plant is used to regulate the menstrual cycle.
Agrotechniques : It is directly collected from nature hence no specific Agrotechniques are available. However, it can be easily propagated through seeds.