
An erect armed annual herb grows as weed of waste places, fields and gardens. Stem branched, angular, green or reddish. Leaves long petioled ovate elliptic or lanceolate. Flowers monoecious, minute, grayish green in dense axillary clusters or in terminal dense or interrupted spikes. Fruit dehiscent and ovoid. Seeds are shining black and compressed. Flowering and fruiting in August to November.

Part used: Whole plant
Usage : The plant is diuretic, subdrific and febrifuge. It is used in treating fever and colic pains. The pou1tice of leaves is applied to bruises, bums, inflammation and infusion as diuretic. Leaves are eaten as vegetable to
dissolve calculi. The decoction of root is given to cure stomach ache and externally applied on wounds and boils. In Ayurveda root is used to treat uterine disorder. Root paste also applied over the scorpion bite.
Agrotechniques : Directly collected from the nature and hence no Agrotechniques are available.