
Commonly cultivated for seed husk. A small annual herb covered with dense or soft hairs. Leaves narrow, rosette, linear 2-10 cm long. Flower small in oval or cylindrical thick spikes. Fruit 2-seeded capsule, ellipsoid and membranous. Seeds enclosed in a thin white translucent membrane called husk. Flowering and fruiting in January to March.

Part used: Seed, Husk

Usage: Dried seeds and husk constitute the drug used in chronic constipation, dysentery, diarrhoea and inflammatory conditions of intestine. It is a safe laxative, promotes regular bowel movement, also effective in treatment of piles and gonorrhoea. Poultice of seeds applied externally to get relief from rheumatic pains.

Agrotechniques: Well drained sandy soil mixed with adequate FYM (15T/ha) and BHC is prepared well and seeds broadcast in October to have plants in rows 22-25 cm apart. Irrigated at monthly intervals and weeding essential. Seeds harvested after 4 months.