
Occuning on rocks, gravel and impeded sandy loamy plains, and even stabilized sand dunes it is a much branched, glabrous leafless spinous shrub or small tree with zigzag green branches and scanty small caducous leaves Flowers usually 2-8 in terminal fascicles and red in colour. Fruit is a subglobose ovoid berry, consist of many seeds. The ripe berry is scarlet red. Flowering and fruiting in March-June, some times September-December.

Part used: Fruit, Stem and Root

Usage: Powdered young shoot cures toothache. The tender branches and young leaves are used as plaster for boils and swellings. Bark is useful for cough and asthma. Root bark is given in intermittent fever, rheumatism and Inflammation. The ash of root used for bone setting. Fruit edible, useful in biliousness and cardiac trouble. Dried powdered fruit is used to cure cough and as vermifuge. The fresh juice of the stem cures ring worm disease.

Agrotechniques : The rooted stem cuttings are transplanted in 3×3 m spaced pits (SO x SO x 50cm) during rainy season. One irrigation is required after transplantation, followed by weeding. Unripe and ripe fruits are collected from plants. Unripe fruits dried in shade and graded into smaller, medium and big sized products.