Indian squill

It is a perennial herb buried in the red mud cervices of the rocky habitats of arid area. Leaves linear acute and nearly flat. Flowers are light brown in colour drooping or spreading in terminal racemes. Fruit is an ellipsoid 3-celled capsule consisting of flattened black seeds. Bulb is egg shaped dull white 5-10 cm in diameter. Flowering and fruiting in February to May.

Part used: Bulb

Usage : Dried powdered bulbs yields ‘Indian squill’ an expectorant, stimulant and cardiotonic in small doses. It is used mainly in chronic bronchitis and asthma. Alcoholic extract of the bulbs has anticancer property and effective in rheumatism, skin problem and in the treatment of dropsy and renal calculi. Powder of bulb is externally applied for removing corns and warts. Poultice of bulb is used to reduce the pain and swelling of gout/rheumatism. Paste of leaves is externally applied over cracked skin.

Agrotechniques : Agrotechniques are not yet standardized, but it can be propagated through vegetative method i.e. from bulbs.