Hukka bel

It is an erect perennial, climber on hedges and road side pebbles through out
the area. Leaves reniform with pointed tip. Leaves much variable in shape
and size. Flowers solitary and dark purple. Fruit an oblong ellipsoid capsule.
Seeds 2 lobed and compressed. Flowering and Fruiting in September to

Part used: Whole plant
Usage : An infusion of whole dried plant is used as an anthelmintic,
purgative, anti-inflammatory and antiperiodic. Decoction of the root expels round worms. Leaf juice mixed with mustard oil cures skin diseases like eczema. Leaf paste is used for expulsion of the guinea worms from the
affected part. Lotion is prepared by crushing/soaking seeds in water that
softens hairs.

Agrotechniques : It occurs abundantly in nature and complete Agrotechniques are yet to be standardized. It requires good ordinary and well drained soil in which stem cuttings can be planted directly during rainy season.