
An erect much branched pubescent strongly sweet scented herb abundant near moist places. Stem and branches are green or some times purplish. Leaves elliptic lanceolate tapering at both ends, shallowly toothed or entire. Flowers are born in less closely whorls and white coloured. Fruit ellipsoid black, smooth nutlets, mucilaginous when wetted. Flowering and fruiting almost through out the year.

Part used: Whole plant

Usage: Plant is considered stomachic, anthelmintic and antipyretic. In Unani medicine it is considered diuretic and emmenagogue and is used to treat diseases of the heart and brain. Plant juice is useful for treating toothache, earache and headache. Decoction of plant is taken internally to provide relief in cough and fever. Leaves widely used for flavouring soups and sauces and are considered diuretic and tonic. Leaf paste is used externally for treating skin diseases. Seeds are useful in malaria fever and also used in the preparation of cooling drink.

Agrotechniques : It can be propagated through seeds and vegetative methods