
Commonly planted as an ornamental in the gardens, evergreen shrub with ovate and glabrous leaves. Flowers solitary, axillary and red to orange red coloured.

Part used: Leaf and Flower

Usage: Cold infusion of leaves and flowers used for syphilis treatment. Decoction of flowers given in bronchial catarrh and infusion in fever. Flowers and leaves yield a dye used for blackening hairs, for treatment of alopecia and burning sensation of body. Good coolant and tonic for heart and purifies blood. Dried powdered leaves aphrodisiac, diuretic, demulcent, refrigerant and emmenagogue. Fresh root juice is given for gonorrhoea and powdered root for menorrhagia.

Agrotechniques : Propagated by shoot cuttings, during February March. Saplings transplanted in July August in a pit 5x5x5 m. FYM, irrigation and weeding essential in first 2-3 years, at regular intervals.