
A straggling much branched spinous perennial climber on open rocks and hills. It has many finger like tuberous roots. Leaves scaly membranous on the main stem with a conical, spinous straight or curved spur. Flowers white small, arranged in long raceme. Fruit a globose berry, red in colour with black seeds. Flowering and fruiting in May to December.
Part used : Tuber

Usage: Fresh juice from tuber is given orally in dysentery, acidity and to increase the breast milk after delivery.  The juice and tuber paste is applied externally to the burning feet and to heal the wounds. Tuber powder an
aphrodisiac, diuretic, demulcent and cures leucorrhoea and gout.  Medicated oil prepared using tubers is beneficial for nervous and rheumatic complaints. Fresh tubers eaten to give strength, beat the heat and cure body ache, boils, cough and urinary infection.

Agrotechniques : Seeds collected in February to April, dried in the sun and soaked for 2 days in water and then sown in poly bags or beds. Saplings are transplanted in July. Root suckers can also be planted in rainy session. Regular watering and weeding at monthly interval essential. After 12-18 months of planting when leaves become dry, tubers harvested and disc (small roots) should be separated from tubers so that it can be grown within 20 days in the field and a new crop can be taken. Root tubers washed in water and dried in shade.