
Dominating rocky gravelly sites and impeded habitats in western desertic zone, it is a small dichotomously branched annual herb with woody root stock. Leaves are sessile, whorled, linear and recurved at margins. Flowers pale blue in strobilate, axillary or in clusters surrounded by white membranous bracts. It has ellipsoid,  compressed, polished capsule tapering at both the ends and 2-seeded. Seeds are densely villous. Flowering and fruiting in August to January.

Part used : Seed and Leaf

Usage: Seeds are diuretic, expectorant and aphrodisiac. Seeds boiled in milk and taken as tonic. Seeds are also given to cattle to increase milk production. The seeds are useful in liver, lungs and blood diseases. Leaf paste  applied over wounds for early healing. The extract of seeds is used for earache.

Agrotechniques : No specific Agrotechniques is available as it is very common in nature.