
It is a branched perennial shrub restricted on the margin of saline water bodies or on calcareous water logged soils. Stem dichotomously branched, sulcate. Leaves are divided into several narrow segments up to 5-8 cm. long. Flower appear single from the axil of the leaves, pedicellate and white in colour. Fruit a globose capsule, 3-valved and deeply lobed. Seeds many angled with reticulated seed coat. Flowering and fruiting through out the year.

Part used: Whole plant

Usage : It has narcotic, emetic and anthelmintic properties. Smoke of whole plant relieves toothache and also useful in asthma. It is used in the treatment of jaundice, fever, colic pains, hysteria and rheumatism, stimulates central nervous system. Also a dye plant. Powdered roots mixed in mustard oil to kill lice in hair. Plants kept in room to repel mosquitoes. Seeds constitute the drug ‘harmal’.

Agrotechniques: Since it is collected from the wild, no Agrotechniques are available as yet. However can be grown in rainy season on slightly saline soils at 0.5xO.5 m spacing. Watering and weeding at 3 weeks interval Mature seeds and whole plant collected in December to January and should be dried in the sun.