
A climber on hedges and trees in rocky habitat and sandy areas mostly near human habitation. A large woody perennial, climber with thick, soft warted bark. Leaves are broadly cordate and membranous. Flowers dioecious in long axillary racemes. Male flowers in small fascicled and female flowers are usually solitary and yellow in colour. Fruit is red, a pea size small drupe. Seed white with median ridge on back side. Flowering and fruiting in February to April.

Usage: The aqueous extract of the plant is widely used for the treatment of jaundice, urinary diseases, eye and liver ailments. Extract of plant is hypoglycaemic. Dry stem effective in diarrhoea and chronic dysentery as also a tonic. Its powder is very useful in fever. Fresh stem juice is antacid and effective in rheumatic arthritis and gouts.  Root decoction is emetic and is used as an antidote to snake bite.

Agrotechniques : Seed/ stem cuttings. Fresh seeds are sown in polybags in February and March. Semi hard cuttings of pencil thickness with 4-8 nodes are planted in polybags with two nodes inside the soil mixture during Feb-March. Plants transplanted after 4-5 months in the field along some tree, shrub or hedge. Light irrigation and weeding required intermittently. 3-4″ pieces of stem should be cut after shedding of leaves and dried in the shade.