Gadariari Bel

A hairy perennial twining climber common in field hedges through out the arid area. Plant has milky juice. Leaves membranous, opposite, deeply cordate, pubescent with acute apex. Flowers greenish yellow or dull white in axillary long peduncled dropping clusters. Fruits are follicles. Follicles lanceolate, echinate,  consist of pubescent, broadly ovate seeds. Flowering and fruiting in August to December.

Part used: Whole plant

Usage: Plant extract is used for treating uterine and menstrual troubles. Leaf juice is used in diarrhoea, asthma and catarrhal affection. External ly it is applied to rheumatic swellings. Decoction of leaves is also given to relieve asthma. Paste of leaves also applied as a poultice to relieve carbuncles. Leaf juice and root bark is also used as purgative and anthelmintic.

Agrotechniques : Not available.