
Commonly occurring on waste lands after rainy season, it is an erect woody under shrub with furrowed smooth purplish stem. Leaves alternate 15-20 cm long. Leaflets are 3-5 pairs with a gland on petioles, opposite, membranous and lanceolate. Flower yellow in short few flowered racemes. Pod recurved, glabrous, compressed and transversally septate. Seeds are numerous, compressed, ovoid, smooth and shining dark olive green. Flowering and fruiting in August-January.

Part used: Whole plant

Usage: A decoction of plant treats dysentery and other stomach problems. Paste of leaves used both externally and internally to treat skin diseases like scabies, ringworms and itches. Hot decoction of leaves acts as antiperiodic. Poultice of leaves and flowers treat eczema. Externally seed paste is also applied to treat skin troubles. The roots are purgative and diuretic. Paste of root is effective in eczema, ringworm and other skin problems.

Agrotechniques : No proper Agrotechniques are available though it is propagated by seeds.