Emetic swallow wort

It is a small twining perennial climber cultivated for its medicinal value. Stem elongated and glabrous. Leaves are ovate or elliptic oblong with cordate and acute at apex. It has dull greenish. yellow flowers in umbellate cyme. Fruit is a 2-4 inches long follicle. Seed is ovoid and flat.

Part used: Leaf and Root

Usage : Fresh roots expectorant in chronic bronchitis, whooping cough and antirheumatic. Root paste is externally applied to relieve gout pain. Leaves are effective in the treatment of allergic diseases, particularly
bronchial asthma. Leaves are also used as diaphoretics and emetic. Powdered leaves are beneficial for treating diarrhoea and dysentery.

Agrotechniques :No proper agrotechniques is available. It can be propagated through root cuttings.