Dudhi dudheli

It is small annualleticiferous, erect herb common in damp places of open fields. Young stem is densely clothed with yellow hairs. Leaves are oblong lanceolate, opposite and hairy. Flowers reddish brown, small in axillary involucre. Fruit is a small capsule containing seeds. Seed light reddish brown. Flowering and fruiting almost throughout the year.

Part used: Whole plant

Usage : Effective in bronchial affections, cough, asthma and in de-warming. Whole plant water extract checks diarrhoea and gonorrhea. The alcoholic extract of the whole plant is used in modem allopathic medicine.

The milky juice of the plant is useful in promoting hair growth, in the treatment of warts and cracking of skin. It
should be applied externally on the affected area. Juice of the leaves is applied on bums and skin disorders.
Leaves are crushed and applied as paste in pain on joints of hands and legs.
Agrotechniques : It is a common weed hence Agrotechniques yet to be standardized. It can be propagated through  seeds.