
A climbing or trailing hispid annual cultivated in the warmer parts of the area. Stern densely hairy with bifid tendrils. Leaves triangular lobed and densely hairy. Male flowers in the axil of spoon shaped bracts and greenish
yellow in colour. Female flowers on long peduncles and also yellow in colour. Fruit globose to ellipsoid, smooth, with dark green irregular bands or lines. Seed numerous, compressed, dark brown, black and white. Flowering
and fruiting in August to December.

Part used: Fruit and Seed

Usage: Pulp is sweet, appetizer and refreshing with cooling effect. Fruit juice stored for one year is used as an antidote in snakebite. Seeds are diuretic. Seed powder is used during famine for preparation of bread.

Agrotechniques : Cultivated through seeds. Direct sowing of seed done in the field during rainy season. Irrigation not required. Ripe fruits are collected and used as such. Seeds also collected from the ripe fruits and
dried in the sun light.