
English-Indian Liquorice
Sanskrit-Gunja, Raktika 
Hindi-Chinniti, Ratti

It is a perennial twining climber on hedges particularly on hills in most parts of India. It has multiple branches. Leaf has leaflets 10-20 pairs, oblong, obtuse and hairy below. Flowers pink or white. Pods 3-5 seeded oblong turgid, beaked and pubescent. Seeds 3-6 scarlet red with black spot around the hilum, shining and smooth. Flowering and fruiting from October to March.

Part used: Root, Leaf and Seed

Usage: The root, a substitute for liquorice in coughs and catarrhal affections is diuretic, tonic and emetic. The decoction of roots is used to cure leucorrhoea. Leaves paste is applied on wounds and painful swellings.
Decoction of leaves is used for cough, cold and hoarseness. Seeds are used as purgative, emetic, and aphrodisiac and also in nervous disorders. Seed paste is used for baldness, dandruff and other hair and skin diseases.

Agrotechniques : No specific agro technique is available as it is a commonly occurring weed. However, it can be propagated through seed/stem cuttings.