
A wild drought hardy shrub of semi arid regions of south India, becoming popular in Rajasthan, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh. Leaves have glabrous pale green leaflets. Flowers bright yellow, borne as a racemose. The pods are fiat, brown and papery, contain 5-7 dark brown smooth compressed seeds. Flowering and fruiting through out the year.

Part used : Leaf, Bark and Pod

Usage: Leaves are effective purgative, also used as an anthelmintic for killing intestinal worms. A paste of the dried leaves made with vinegar as a base can be used for acne, eczema and pimples. Bark is astringent and is used to treat sore throat and for treatment of rheumatism. Its decoction relieves stomach ache and juice of fresh bark is good for dysentery.

Agrotechniques : Sandy loam soil pH 6-8.5 is suitable for cultivation. It can be raised through seeds in warm arid region except in water logged area. Seeds are sown in mid of July to last week of August. It dose not require irrigation but one weeding. Leaves are harvested after 80 to 90 days and second cut after 90-120 days of first cut.  Two to three cuttings of leaves possible in a year.