Wet and marshy habitats of the desert area, support this small erect or prostrate, much branched, hairy annual herb often rooting at the nodes. Simple elliptic leaves, variable in shape, bright dark green in colour. Flower axillary or terminal, peduncled and white coloured. Seed small achene and black in colour. Flowering and fruiting almost through out the year in suitable habitats.
Part used: Whole plant
Usage: Plant juice improves the liver and spleen disorders. Decoction of herb is used to rinse hair to maintain the black colour. The roots and leaves of the plant also promote the flow of bile juice. The extract of the leaves is used in jaundice, fever and for new born babies suffering from catarrh. Leaves fresh juice promotes growth of hair and stops the premature greying of hair. Leaves of the plant are useful in uterine haemorrhages. A paste of the leaves is also applied to chronic glandular swellings, skin diseases and to wounds as astringent. Leaf juice can be used for cleaning and healing of the sores. The juice of leaf is applied on
scorpion bite portion as an antidote.
Agrotechniques : It is a weed and collected from nature. No specific agro techniques is available. It can be propagated through seeds/stem cuttings.