
Through out the area it is common on open grounds. Now extensively planted on wastelands in the drier parts. It is a medium sized evergreen tree. Stem has black to dark brown longitudinally fissured bark, Leaves bipinnate
with whitish straight stipular spines. Flowers golden yellow in globose heads. Pods compressed, moniliform and constricted between seeds. Seeds black brown, smooth, compressed and suborbicular. Flowering and fruiting in
March to May.

Part used: Gum, Leaf, Bark and Pod

Usages: Gum is used to prepare ‘Laddus’, a sweet dish which is used after delivery as tonic for general health. The decoction of leaves and bark is used to cure toothache and sore throat. Pod decoction is used in the treatment of urinogenital diseases. Leaves useful for treating bronchitis, piles and eye diseases. Leaf paste applied over pimples, blisters and boils. The twigs are used as tooth brushes. Bark paste is applied on fractured bone for early recovery.

Agrotechniques : Propagated through seeds, it grows well on deep, loam to clay loam soils. Irrigation at regular  intervals is needed in first year of plantation. Weeding as and when required. A cut is made in the old stem to obtain gum from the bark.