Country Mallow(Bal)
It is found throughout as a common weed under shade. An erect, perennial
undershrub upto I m tall. Stem is ascending softly villous and densely pubescent all over. Leaves ovate oblong but cordate at base with irregular crenate margins. Flowers yellow and axillary. Fruit a subdiscoid and consist of 10 mericarp with trigonous black seeds. Flowering and fruiting in September to March.
Part used: Whole plant
Usage : A tonic and aphrodisiac, plant is also effective in intermittent fever, rheumatism and neurological affections. Leaves and roots are pounded and applied locally on boils to hasten suppuration. Powdered root bark is used for the treatment of urinary and nervous diseases. Powdered root with milk is given in leucorrhoea. Seed possess demulcent and laxative properties and are used in bowel complaints.
Agrotechniques : Since it is normally a weed collected from nature, no specific agro techniques are available. However it can be raised easily through seeds.