
An erect bushy shrub on hummocky sands in the desert. It has pubescent,
whitish grey quadrangular branches. Leaves ovate, rhomboid with crenatedentate margins. Flowers white, 3-9 flowered arranged in a rounded terminal panicles, and fragrant. Fruit obovoid drupe and 4 lobed. Flowering and fruiting in October to March.

Part used: Root, Leaf and Seed

Usage : It is one of the important ingredient of the Ayurvedic formulation
‘Dasamula’. Aromatic roots are acrid, astringent, cardio-tonic and carminative. Decoction of fresh root cures measles. Leaves bitter and their juice is effective in syphilis. Extract of leaves cures flatulence and leaf paste heals wounds. Decoction of leaves and poultice is used for curing piles. Infusion of leaves treats fever, colic and flatulence. Leaf paste is tide over stomach for reducing urinary inflammations. Seed powder is useful in the treatment of rheumatism.

Agrotechniques : Since it is collected from wild, its Agrotechniques is not available. It can be propagated through seed/cuttings