Hatha Thor
A large succulent jointed branched, perennial shrub common in waste lands and degraded lands. Joints erect flat, obovate with many areoles having curved, yellowish spines. Flower yellow. Fruit red, fleshy, pear shaped marked with areoles, deep reddish when ripe. Flowering and fruiting in April to August.
Part used: Phylloc1ade and Fruit
Usage: Pulp of ripe fruit eaten to cure burning sensation in the stomach. Fruits is considered cooling and useful in gonorrhea. Baked fruit used in whooping cough. Mashed phylloclade is used as poultice to reduce
inflammation. Pulp also applied in Opthalmia. Fleshy phylloclade warmed slightly and tides over wounds and boils to get relief. It is also used to hasten suppuration of tumor and bums.
Agrotechniques: Propagated vegetatively through phylloclade.